For 6 Stacks of Magazines size publications
for price breaks and options
StreetSmart publications racks are made from Polyethylene making them very strong and durable, resistant to graffiti and will never rust or corrode. The SS#9 was designed to hold 6 stack of magazine style publications. With Pull down doors made with Polycarbonate windows it is easy to display your Publications. Racks can be customized with your logo or corporate branding.

- Shipping weight 60 Lbs.
- Paper stack 17" Wide x 12" Deep x 13.5" Tall
- Chain Lug Holes for Secure Fastening
- Large Graphics Panels
- Hollow Base for Adding Ballast 4" Fill Port
- Divided Pockets
- Footprint 22" x 20"

Graphic Areas:
Maximum image size - width x height
1) Side Panel 10" x 12"
2) Back Panel 10" x 12"
3) Header 14" x 2"
4) Window Pull Down 17" x 11"
"FREE" on Door - No Extra Charge